Welcome friends!

So good of you to stop by 🙂 as you can see, the site is undergoing some construction! For updates on the site, feel free to submit your email and I’ll keep you posted as it comes along!


Under Construction

adminDec 30, 20191 min read

I’ve decided to bring all of my websites, projects, passions and the like together under one roof: the first site I ever created, the OG. I’m really excited for the outcome!


Review: Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

adminFeb 29, 20163 min read

4.5 Stars Hannah Kent describes her debut novel Burial Rites as a “dark love letter to Iceland” and she’s done a beautiful job of doing so. Based on real events, this is a lyrical and engrossing story set during the…


Fandom of the Month Club February Box: Alice in Wonderland

adminFeb 29, 20162 min read

The joy I feel upon taking my brand new Fandom of the Month Club package out of the mailbox and into my hands is enough to warrant serveral mid-air heel clicks as I make my way back inside, my mind…


February BooklyBox: Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

adminFeb 25, 20162 min read

My first BooklyBox arrived yesterday, hooray! And what a sleek looking package it is 🙂 You may remember that I recently posted about being the Adult Fiction moderator for BooklyBox and I cannot wait to read and discuss this month’s…


Under Construction

ByadminDec 30, 20191 min read

I’ve decided to bring all of my websites, projects, passions and the like together under one roof: the first site…


Review: Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

ByadminFeb 29, 20163 min read

4.5 Stars Hannah Kent describes her debut novel Burial Rites as a “dark love letter to Iceland” and she’s done…


Fandom of the Month Club February Box: Alice in Wonderland

ByadminFeb 29, 20162 min read

The joy I feel upon taking my brand new Fandom of the Month Club package out of the mailbox and…


February BooklyBox: Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

ByadminFeb 25, 20162 min read

My first BooklyBox arrived yesterday, hooray! And what a sleek looking package it is 🙂 You may remember that I…

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